HOW ENHANCED GLUCOMETER TESTING CAN HELP YOUR PATIENTS WITH DIABETES (1.0 CEU)* Code:S9 Start Time:Saturday, February 3, 2018 11:10 AM End Time:Saturday, February 3, 2018 12:10 PM Available:60 Fee Amount:$0.00 Description:New advancements in the ways patients engage in interconnected diabetes management and interact with healthcare providers can positively impact therapy outcomes as well as drive pharmacy business sustainability. In this session, we’ll examine the community pharmacy’s role in diabetes care for this digital era and how to connect virtually with your patients for enhanced insight into your patient’s lifestyle and medication management. The session will look at the Business Model Canvas and how to seamlessly implement digital diabetes health monitoring into your pharmacy workflow and link it to revenue growth in the front shop, as well as innovative approaches in screening.
Presented by John Papastergiou